Creative Living, Leading and Business
A Comforting Alternative to Controlling your Anxiety
When we’re feeling anxious, it can be tempting to try to feel better by controlling things. Holding in our emotions, shutting down, distracting ourselves. It’s what we’ve been taught. In fact, I reckon that if our culture had a mantra, it would probably be: “take...
How Your Early Life is Influencing Your Present
It never ceases to amaze me how much our very earliest experiences set the tone for the rest of our lives. Whenever I come across a block in my life or work, I know the solution will lie in healing that early stuff! Our experiences in the womb and during the first...
Your Role in Creating a New World
I know it doesn’t feel like it, but this is a year of possibilities. After so many months of upheaval, the energy is tentatively changing now. Can you feel the beginnings of something a little new? Just the seed of it. What we are being asked to do now is to lay claim...
Where Your Critical Inner Voice Comes From
That critical inner voice in your head is not really yours. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear your mother’s fears there...or your father’s strong opinions. You might also hear authority figures like teachers, coaches or priests/nuns. How you were treated and...
You Need Time to Digest Your Experiences
Digestive health issues are usually a sign that you are really good at taking in information. But not at processing it. (I should know - left to my own devices I would spend my whole time overthinking & overdoing! 😊) We need time to absorb our experiences and...
This is Your Time
This is a time for whatever has been on the margins of our culture to come back into the centre. And for whatever has been suppressed in you to be welcomed back too. We’re moving through a time in our evolution when all those who have been told they are too weird,...
Fairytales…and Creating a New Path
There’s a reason so many fairy stories involve journeys into a dark forest and losing the path. Getting lost. The stories that sent chills up our spines as children reading them! They’re telling the story of what happens when we lose what’s familiar. When suddenly all...
Tending to Your Inner Child
Two things can be true at the very same time: you can know everything is ultimately going to be okay (perhaps even better) AND you can feel rattled, afraid and disoriented nevertheless. When such high levels of fear are activated, it’s a normal human reaction to go...
Is Your Body Telling You A Story?
Our bodies tell our stories. Even the stuff we don’t remember. And if we would just learn how to listen well, we could heal so much. Those pains you experience, that recurring infection, that racing heart and nervous anxiety are all telling your personal story....
How I’m Feeling About Ageing
The beauty of getting older is that I am growing more and more into myself. Just letting myself be who I am, without need to explain or apologise! It feels like relief. It feels like peace. I’m not sure we can expect this to happen naturally, though? It should. (But I...
Creating a New Story with a Marriage
I tend to jump into the big things in life. Make a split second heart-based decision on what feels right. To move walk away from my get married. This is how I follow my gut instinct before my mind catches up and inevitably screams: “What on...
Why You Don’t Need to Forgive Anyone to Heal
Don’t listen to those who tell you you need to forgive someone in order to “get over it”. Too many people push themselves to forgive before they are ready - and it just means healing takes longer. You’re actually not morally required to forgive anyone.It’s...
Do You Have a Before & After Story?
Do you have a “before” and “after” story in your life? I have loads of them. But my biggest one is before and after my parents split up. It was a real watershed moment in my life. Before the separation we were a steady ole dysfunctional family, each of us playing our...
The Power of Changing Your Story
THE CURIOUS PARADOX IS THAT WHEN I ACCEPT MYSELF JUST AS I AM, THEN I CHANGE. - CARL ROGERS I’ve been thinking a lot about the stories that we tell ourselves. And their incredible power to shape all we experience in our lives. Because so...
Why Self-Care is Not the Solution
It sounds so simple, right? So obvious. Self care. Of course! You feel really run-down, tired and you're told to take time to look after your own needs. You maybe attend a class, run a bath, make a healthy dinner, meditate. And, in fact, I've been a...
3 Things Much Better Than Resolutions!
If there's one thing we're not supposed to do during the darkest, coldest, harshest month of the year (January!), it's try to change our lives. Honestly. There is a time for change. But despite all the marketing messages you'll be assaulted with this month, It's not...
Are You Afraid Of How You Feel?
With Christmas almost upon us, there's no better time to talk about....feeeeeelings! Because if ever there was a time of year to bring up all those buried grievances, anger and grief, it's the season of goodwill. When we spend more time than usual with our families...
Why Are You Refusing to Rest?
Rest is revolutionary — Uma Dinsmore-Tuli So many women come to me run down, overwhelmed and low on energy. They complain of being exhausted or run-down and want a quick fix. Is there a supplement they can take? Or a remedy of some kind that will help them...