Your work in the world can feel deeply fulfilling and healing
And it can be a path to lead us all home…
It’s time to step into your value, vision and power

Hi, I’m Niamh! (pronounced ‘Neev’)
I guide empathic, intuitive women to get clear on their soul vision, express their unique voice and create thriving, culture-healing businesses.
If you run a holistic, healing, coaching, visionary, creative or change-making business that feels like it comes with a big mission, then you’re in exactly the right place.
You may have an idea that just won’t leave you alone. A niggling calling inside you. Something that wants to be born.
You are ready to dream bigger, to grow and uplevel, to dive deep and explore what is really possible for you. To align your work with its highest possible impact.
But this way of working isn’t the norm. Business courses are not made with your work in mind.
And it feels like no one really understands the fears and blocks that come with simply expressing your ideas, showing up as yourself and becoming who you are.
When birthing a new (or new level!) of a soul-led business, you need to go much deeper…and receive a specific type of support that honours your deep gifts, holds space for you to move through all your fears and – crucially – mirrors back to you who you truly are at a soul level so that you can believe in the possibility of your potential.
I offer transformative once-off sessions and longer-term mentoring to help you move into your true, easeful and abundant soul work in the world.
Combining Soul + Strategy
to Create Your Thriving Business
We help you get really clear on your calling. You’re not imagining it – you really are here to run this business of yours…and in exactly the way that suits you!
– Discover who you truly are at soul level and what the highest expression of your work is supposed to be
– Understand your unique energy, gifts and how you are designed to thrive and prosper
– Start to believe in your intuitive knowing that this is possible and that your work is truly needed
– Get clear on your ideal/soul clients and what it is they are seeking from you

Once we’ve clarified your big picture soul vision, it’s time to bring it all down to earth and build the strategy that turns it from an idea into a working reality!
– Clarify and hone your messaging to speak to your ideal clients with openness and honesty
– Create your most potent, magnetic products and offerings
– Identify the marketing strategy that best suits you and your business
– Put strategic, sustainable foundations in place to grow your beautiful business (this can include assistance with web site copy, client management, booking systems, marketing strategy…and more!)
Before working with Niamh, I found it very challenging to articulate the essence and nature of my work, as it’s all been channeled. Niamh helped me find the language and words to express my soul work. I have so much more confidence in sharing about my offerings and the work my soul came here to share with the world.
After sharing about my new mentorship container (that Niamh and I worked on together), all the spaces filled within a week, making it the most abundant month to date in my business thus far!
Niamh is such a beautiful soul and is incredibly gifted at what she does. If you’re looking for guidance and support to create a business that truly feels like home, I highly recommend working with her.
Individual & Group Offerings
Without the steady, supportive, guiding and loving holding of Niamh, I would not have birthed my new business.
I feel so proud of myself in what I have opened up to and created.
There is a different way of “doing” business and it’s beautiful and easeful and so nurturing. My thinking mind can’t process how it actually happened.
The space Niamh creates helps you to realize how much potential we possess. It’s about becoming more authentically aligned with your own unique path, a remembering.
I feel so grateful to Niamh, for her unwavering belief in me and my candles. I am ready now to step out and be seen.
Thank you, Niamh!
Free Resource!
Embrace exactly who you are and reclaim your Feminine Leadership Gifts to create a ripple effect of change and healing on our culture.
Take the FREE Quiz and discover your primary Feminine Leadership Archetype.
Receive a beautiful free 12-page PDF with lots of info on the unique gifts you are here to heal our culture with…
Our time together opened up new possibilities and perspectives for my work and overall restored faith in my path. The work was incredibly comprehensive with the Gene Keys, deep discussions, business guidance, intuitive insights and even help with my website copy.
Niamh brought so many combined talents to our sessions, I just loved all of it. She beautifully blends the wise woman archetype with business in the way she works.
I walked away from our time together with a stronger sense of connection to my work, feeling hugely supported, inspired and confident in my next steps.
Let’s Connect on Instagram
You can find me on Instagram for little nuggets of wisdom on building your thriving soul-led business…as well as detailed monthly energy guidance.