Soul Leadership & Business Mentoring 

Transformational mentoring for women creating or growing a purpose-led business

Your business is not supposed to be just another business.

It has the potential to be a healing offering to the world. And a deep healing for yourself.

It can be transformative, beautiful, creative and wise.

AND it can sustain and resource you more than you ever imagined. 

It’s time to dream bigger for what your work and contribution can truly be.

It’s time to dig down deep into who you truly are and allow your soul dreams to be realised.

Because what you crave to create and become is no accident.

Even when it feels overwhelming or scary, I promise you, the world needs your expression as much as you…




Without the steady, supportive, guiding and loving holding of Niamh during our 6 months working together, I would not have birthed my new business. 

I feel so proud of myself in what I have opened up to and created.

There is a different way of “doing” business and it’s beautiful and easeful and so nurturing.  My thinking mind can’t process how it actually happened. 

The space Niamh creates helps you to realize how much potential we possess. It’s about becoming more authentically aligned with your own unique path, a  remembering.

I feel so grateful to Niamh, for her unwavering belief in me and my candles. I am ready now to step out and be seen. 

Thank you, Niamh!

Jemma Kenny

Goddess Candles -

meditation reiki

Who Is This For?


I work with sensitive, thoughtful and visionary women who have a strong calling to create and express something that is uniquely theirs in the world. They dream of creating something meaningful that brings change. Even if it feels too big, or like a leap into the unknown.

  • You may have an idea that just won’t leave you alone. A niggling calling inside you. Something that wants to be born. 

  • You may already be a number of years into running your business…or just starting out.

  • You are ready to dream bigger, to grow and uplevel, to dive deep and explore what is really possible for you. To align your work with its highest possible impact.

  • But you’re finding it hard to believe in yourself and to move through fear and doubt and unravel old ideas about yourself.

  • You may feel like an outsider or different to those around you.

  • You’ve maybe become used to overworking, overgiving and undercharging, leaving you burnt out but unable to see how you can make changes.

  • And you may have tried more mainstream business coaching and found it too dry and not suited to your unique business.

  • You love the idea of bringing depth, soul and a spiritual approach to business


When the old ways of working, systems and structures are burning you out and making you question everything, you have come to an important threshold.

When you can’t see examples of your work around you, it probably means you are here to create something new. Something unique to you.

When you are terrified of what your true voice may want to say, you know there is something powerful that wants to be expressed.

Because you are here to be a new kind of leader. One that brings change to the world around you – in big or small ways. 

You are here to create and channel something new into the world. Simply because it is who you are. Simply because it feels right.

But to put yourself out there like this takes courage, it takes trust…and, more than anything else, it takes some serious support.

Niamh uses the most stunning combination of logic and intuition, of professionalism yet natural ease and flow.

I always came away with an understanding of myself as well as knowing the next step to take, without me even understanding how we got there!

She is incredibly talented and I know no one else like her. There isn’t one thing I would change about our experience

Claire O'Keefe

Yoga Teacher & Astrologer

3 Core Elements to Your Soul-Led Business

Image of your soul seed

The Seed: Your Soul Story


The first step in creating any new offering is understanding who you are. Because this is the seed of all your creations.

You will find that you keep coming back to this question each time your work wants to grow or change: “Who am I and what am I here to bring to the world?” It’s a question with so many revelations and the nourishment to keep you expanding and creating throughout life.

The foundation of your work is you – who you truly are, your gifts and the role you came here to play.

In our work together, will use a mixture of Human Design, the Gene Keys and, most importantly, unique channeled soul guidance to understand the vastness of who you are and the greater purpose of your work in the world.

We will also dive into the story of your life and business, its highest potential and where it is leading you next. What are you here to learn and understand…and what are you truly wanting to become? What is emerging for you now?

This is deep and nourishing work. And creates strong, true foundations on which to build your new offerings, put the correct words and marketing in place and find your right clients.

The Soil: Our Collective Stories

Putting your unique work out into the world can be wildly energising and exciting…but it also brings up fears around being seen and judged, worries about failure and old stories around what the kind of work that is acceptable and deemed important to our families and wider culture.

For many of us, our work will also bring up ancient, bone-deep fears of punishment or persecution. Or cause us to undercharge for work that has been traditionally required women do for free.

For this reason, you need a very different type of business mentoring that understands and supports your unique wise woman journey.

In our work together, I support you in unravelling the conditioning and fears that keep you stuck and undervaluing your work. We will choose more supportive stories and plant your business in a fertile soil that calms your nervous system and helps you see yourself as a leader, not an outsider.

The Fertiliser: Restorative Feminine Principles & Strategy


It’s not just about translating your ideas and talents into a business. It’s about reimagining what business even is and can be for you.

What we do matters, but how we do it probaby matters even more. Because how we do our work either nourishes and supports our energy and our flourishing…or it depletes us, disappoints us and burns us out.

Together we will seek to embed your true values into your every day and use business strategy that supports your energy and capacity. This will ensure your work grows into something healthy for the long-term.

Your business can be a model for the values greatly needed in the world around us, such as reciprocity, regeneration, rest, care, wisdom, fairness, inspiration, discernment, community and leadership.

Let’s reevaluate how you’re doing business, from the hours you work, to how much you’re charging, to how well you are taking care of yourself. And give you permission to grow a business that is as good for you as it is for those you work with.


My experience working with Niamh was phenomenal.

Prior to working with her I had only the vaguest idea of what I was offering for my mentorship clients. With her insight and support I was able to truly see what my soul gifts are and how to share them with others.

I feel so much more grounded in my business and that my unique vision is a much needed message for these times. It feels incredibly expansive to have the guidance that Niamh offers. I truly appreciate her no nonsense approach while at the same time being empathetic and compassionate when challenges may arise.

Melissa Birss

Uninhibited Woman - @uninhibited.woman

Our Work Together

8 Sessions + Unlimited Support

For most of us, occasional once-off sessions are just not enough to create real change. 

You may also find that the usual marketing and business advice just doesn’t suit your business.

You need a very different and personalised experience that helps soothe your nervous system, feel seen and understood and receive clear and helpful guidance each step of your journey.

Over a period of between 2 and 6 months (depending on what suits you best), I will hold fierce, safe, loving space for you to get clear on where you are being guided in your business right now, plant seeds of your big vision and intentions, gently unravel any blocks and old conditioning holding you back and walk step-by-step towards who you are becoming.

Using Human Design, Gene Keys, Channeled Wisdom, Soul Insight, Energy Work and real world marketing and business experience

You have deep wisdom in you. Let’s bring it into the world…

Soul Business Mentoring includes:

The Big Soul Picture

– Clarity on who you truly are at soul level and what your soul purpose is

– Understanding your place in the whole, the role you are here to play and what are you supposed to be learning and embodying at this stage in your life and work

– Intention-setting and welcoming your big vision

– Clarity on the story you are telling through your business and impact you are here to make

– Detailed channeled guidance full of insight and practical support

– Powerful energy healing to clear blocks and unravel fears that are holding you back

– Conversation and space holding to help you access your own wisdom and inner guidance

– Teachings on feminine archetypes and how you can work with these energies to heal ancestral wounds and become more of who you are

The Detail & Strategy

– Support with sustainably pricing your work and effectively marketing it

– Clarity on your core messaging

– Packaging your work into attractive offerings for your ideal client

– Assistance with web site, marketing and sales page copy

NOTE: Your first session will last 2 hours

and following sessions last between 1.5 and 2 hours, depending on your needs


Extra Support

WhatsApp support from me throughout our time together, including weekly check-ins, quick answers to any burning questions or issues that arise and encouragement when you need it

Free access to any public classes I run while we are working together and access to my previous workshop recordings on pricing and business models.


Payment & Timing


You are free to organise your 8 sessions with me at a frequency of your choice, depending on your needs. This may mean weekly sessions for 8 weeks or less frequent sessons over a period of up to 6 months.

You may want to work at a more leisurely pace that allows time between sessions to integrate everything or to complete tasks. OR you might want to move more swiftly and cover ground in a shorter period of time.

We can agree on what suits you best in conversation.


Payment Options:


The total cost of this work together is usually €1950 but all bookings before 27th September receive a 20% DISCOUNT!!

So for a short time only, you can work with me in this beautiful, transformative container for €1560.

You are very welcome to pay in full, or in monthly installments that suit you best.

Available monthly installment options:

3 x €650 (now €520)

4 x €487.50 (now €390)

6 x €325 (now €260)

I found my coaching sessions with Niamh so beneficial in helping me gain clarity and vision for moving my work forward with a greater sense of confidence and purpose.

Elaine Harris

Yoga Teacher & Author of 'Wise: Finding Meaning, Purpose & Inner Power in Midlife',

Lost, confused and absolutely exhausted is how I would have described myself before going into Niamh. 

My sessions with her were transformative. I think that the restorative process was multi-layered. On one level, Niamh has an amazing presence and such a comforting way. She would sit down with me and just listen for the first part of my session. She would hear me talk about what was on the surface and help me work through things.

But she also helped me to pull back the layers and get to the root of what might be causing my emotional reactions to things. She followed up every session with resources, links to articles or tips on how to move forward.


On another level I think that empowering myself to take this window of time to stop and just be in my own skin, without all the distractions of life, was amazing. I have a hard time setting aside time to meditate as regularly as I would like, but knowing that I would be able to clear my mind and re-set at our sessions became a necessity for me for that 6-month period.

And the final level of the process was the energy work that Niamh did with me. She helped me to see that there was much, much more going on and that there were core aspects of myself that I was stifling. She worked very hard to help me tap back into the joy in my life.


I feel like our sessions unlocked parts of myself that hadn't seen the light of day in a long time. I am so much stronger and happier as a direct result of my sessions with Niamh.

I would absolutely recommend Niamh to anyone who is ready to make changes, who wants to shift their perspective, find inner strength or who just wants to stop and reset. I cannot speak more highly of Niamh and what she does.
Jessica Ryan

Dublin 4

How This Work Will Feel




  • Supportive & Loving

Most people don’t need training on their “mindset” or a push to reach their goals. Intuitive women instead need to be believed and gently encouraged. They need someone who can deeply see who they are at a soul level and hold space for their inner wisdom and highest possibility.

  • Deep & Visionary

We go deep! We find out what’s really holding you back. What were the messages you received from your family and culture that are keeping you small and afraid? What are the ancestral imprints in your body and nervous system that are being activated every time you try to take steps forward? These blocks are real and need to be treated with love, tenderness and wisdom, as you align instead align instead with your inner wise self.


  • Fun & Fascinating!

It’s kinda fun to play with new dreams, new ideas and whole new ways of being. It doesn’t have to feel like a fight. We can change the script so you feel like your work is fun and live-giving and regenerating. 


  • Liberating & Energising

As we uncover and release all the old conditioning that’s been holding you back, you’ll feel a release in more areas of your life than just your work. The more you are allowed to be yourself, the more energy you will have for everything and everyone. 


  • Insightful & Practical

We will work on grounding your vision into real, practical actions that take you closer to creating your dreams, step by step. We’ll get clear on your vision, your soul clients, your message and pricing. We’ll put in place the containers you need to support your work in the world and call in your ideal clients, whether that be marketing, technology or connection with others.

Ready to Start Your Journey?

If support from me sounds interesting, exciting or aligned with what you might need right now, I’d love to meet you on a Zoom call to answer any questions you might have and check if we’re a good fit. Please go ahead and book a time that suits below. I’ll be delighted to chat.

If you already know me and have worked with me, please feel to either book in for this live chat with me…or alternatively, just drop me an email through the contact form below to let me know you’re interested and to ask any questions 🙂



See you soon,


Niamh x

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