Hello & Welcome!
I’m Niamh 🙂
(This is a tricky name to read for anyone not familiar with the Irish language! It’s pronounced “Neev”)
I’m an energy healer, intuitive guide and channel that works with thoughtful, empathic and visionary women who want to create big change, healing and beauty in the world through their businesses. But they need help in seeing and believing in who they truly are, what is possible for their business and finding support along their path.
I live in a Victorian terrace house by the beach in Dublin, Ireland with my Canadian husband and 11-year-old daughter.
I’m an INFP, Enneagram Type 4, a Libra Sun, Gemini Moon and Capricorn Rising. In Human Design I’m a 6/3 Manifesting Generator (more about that soon!)
My Feminine Leadership Archetypes are Wise Woman and Lover

My Big Vision
I believe the world is deeply craving and desperately in need of a new type of leader.
It is time for us to be guided by wise, sensitive women like you who hold a vision of how our world can be improved and healed. Who are here to plant the seeds for a new world we are collectively creating.
But for this to happen, we need to reclaim all the traits in ourselves that were pushed to the sidelines in our culture over many thousands of years. And we need you to understand the potential in our businesses to heal, guide and show a new way.
When I began my intuitive business, I felt crippled with overwhelming fear and doubt that felt like it was much bigger than me. I didn’t quite understand why I was struggling to use my voice and own the full breadth of my soul work.
Despite many’s the Google search, I could find no one speaking about this and struggled for years to build a business on my own.
What I’ve learned is that I was never alone. There are so many of us around the world waking up to our callings as healers, guides, teachers and intuitives right now.
The journey we are on collectively is reclaiming the buried wisdom of the deep feminine within us all. But this doesn’t neatly fit into current business models or marketing advice!
Seven years into this journey, I am now offering to you the support I wasn’t able to find for myself, combining the practical knowledge from my former career in Communications & Marketing with an ability to tap into the deep truth of who you are at soul level and guide you on your path to fully claiming it at a pace that works for you.
My experience has shown me that the big ideas that fill you with fear to speak about or the parts of you that you think you need to conceal are the very medicine you are here to bring to the world.
The world needs your vision, your voice and your care.
My Values
I believe that HOW we do business is just as important as WHAT we do. Some of the values I commit to in my work are:
I believe we can move business from a model of survival into sustainability. But the real healing happens when we take our view of what’s possible with our businesses from sustainability into regeneration. What if instead of maintaining the status quo, we actually used our businesses to heal the wounds in ourselves, our family lines and the wider culture around us?
How can your business be a healing for yourself and a healing for our world? Leaving it a better place for your voice, your ideas and your work.
I believe in a future of mutual flourishing, where resources are circulated to all those who need it. This means that we seek to neither hoard money and resources nor martyr ourselves by giving away our time, wisdom and energy without receiving appropriate compensation and recognition.
Instead of our current win-lose models of exchange, I’m interested in how we can all win…and thrive. Instead of ‘us versus them’, it’s all of us together.
Building a soul-led business is not for the fainthearted! It calls on all our inner resources and brings up a multitude of old wounds to be loved and healed into wholeness.
Kindness and reassurance is the only way to move through doubts and fears. Meeting yourself with deep care and compassion is essential, as is stepping away from toxic cultural teachings that tell us moving slowly is somehow a failure. Moving at a sustainable pace for your nervous system is the only way to build your dreams so that they last.
I think our business and spiritual practices can either reinforce the unequal world we currently live in or they can liberate us. I see business as an incredible creative opportunity to free us all by bringing new voices, perspectives, ideas and practices from the margins of society into the mainstream, for the benefit of us all.
All of what has been shamed and suppressed in our world and in ourselves is the very place our power and medicine lie. By freeing your voice and work, you bring new, much-needed energy and inspiration to us all.
My Human Design
Human Design is a big part of my work, so just for fun (and to give a flavour of what working with Human Design can tell you!) here’s a little about me through my chart!
I’m a 6/3 Manifesting Generator
Being a Manifesting Generator means I like to move quickly, imagine and try out new ways of doing things, change course many times and in the process show that way more is possible than we think.
My 6/3 profile ensures a life story with a fairly eventful plotline, full of twists and turns and unexpected learnings. The 3 line brings the constant new experiences…the 6 line turns everything I’m experiencing into wisdom that can be passed on to guide others (so things can be easier for you!)
My greatest learning experiences so far have been multiple health issues, living in many different countries from Czech Republic to Australia, motherhood and starting this business!
Feeling Cognition
When I first started practising Reiki, I realised that every time I tapped into someone’s energy, I was able to pick up on huge amounts of helpful information and guidance for them. Their bodies and energy field were “talking” to me and letting me know the answers to a client’s questions or challenges.
This was my feeling cognition at work. I process the world through “reading” the energy around me. As the years have gone by, this has grown even stronger and I am able to channel incredibly valuable guidance and insight from your soul, your body and sometimes ancestors or spirit guides.
North Node in Gene Key 43
Our North Node comes into effect from around the age of 40 (but we can be feeling its transformative effects a few years before that). This can mean we feel a huge shift in our direction and perspective around this time.
It’s no coincidence that in my late 30’s, I left my work in communications and fundraising for charities to instead move in a more spiritual/esoteric direction. I began work as a reiki practitioner and have over the years combined my intuitive abilities and energy work with interest in social justice and background in communications.
When I first read the Gene Key of my North Node, I was amazed to see it describe what I have already ended up doing – helping ‘creative rebels’ to ignore the world around them and instead tune into their inner gifts and callings to courageously bring them to the world. It’s about creating a life from the inside out and not according to what you see around you.
Human Design and the Gene Keys are a wonderful way of confirming who we already sense we are. We just need that reassurance to trust our own paths.

Some of my favourite things…
new ideas & perspectives
great conversations
compassion and understanding
fairness and equality
sea salt dark chocolate
wandering around new cities
mangoes in summer
wild, windy beach walks in winter
podcasts & good books
period dramas
live performance of all kinds
crisp hotel beds

Podcast Conversations
Creating Your Life and Work Around Who You Truly Are
I speak with actress, Hilary Rose, about how I came to be doing the work I do, what energetic/intuitive work actually is and how I guide others, helping them understand their soul gifts and role and bring it to the world.
What does it take to claim your soul work and turn it into a business?
In this conversation with Lauren Barber, we discuss my journey of discovering my own soul work and talk about what it really takes to build a healing and soul-led business.
The Wise Woman in Business
I speak to Jane Reeves about Feminist Spirituality, the Feminine Divine, reclaiming the archetype of the Wise Woman and what happens when we apply it to our businesses.
Shame as Legacy & Reclaiming our Voice
This is a personal one! I share my own personal story and what big ancestral and cultural themes I’ve been grappling with in order to do this work.
My Qualifications
My Qualifications
I am qualified in those areas of complementary therapy I found of great benefit in my own journey:
- Reiki & Seichem Master Therapist & Teacher
- Rahanni & IET Healing Practitioner
- Advanced Soul Centre Practitioner
- Irish Institution of Nutrition & Health, BTEC Diploma in Nutrition and Health Coaching
- Qualified meditation teacher through two years of study with Dru Ireland
- Yoga Nidra facilitator through study with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli
- I am certified to Level 2 as a Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner
- Human Design Reader, Level 2 through My Human Design plus many years of self-study and reading
- Currently studying with Richard Rudd to be a Gene Keys Guide
- Certificate in Jungian Studies from the Jung Centre, Dublin
- Certified Cacao Facilitator
- Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations and many years working in Communications, Marketing and Events in Dublin and London, mainly for non-profits and charities
- Life experience: sometimes there is nothing better than personal life experience to teach you true wisdom! I've learned to navigate through illness, anxiety, life crises and come out the other side a wiser and more compassionate person - with a great desire to help others who are struggling through their own difficulties.
- Experience of building my own business: I have learned first-hand how to shape and market offerings that appeal to my ideal clients, while honouring my own visions, interests and gifts. I built a reiki practice to being booked out weeks in advance, created many sold-out group offerings and courses and have navigated working fully in-person to working fully online.