There’s a reason so many fairy stories involve journeys into a dark forest and losing the path. Getting lost. The stories that sent chills up our spines as children reading them!

They’re telling the story of what happens when we lose what’s familiar. When suddenly all that’s reliable is taken away from us and we’re forced to navigate the darkness without any real idea where the path is.

In the middle of that dark forest, we have to dig deep into ourselves for guidance. Taking one tentative step at a time, creating the path as we go, facing all the obstacles along the way. Nothing to rely on now but our intuition and instinct.

At this stage of the lockdown I’m sensing a similar change in energy. There’s a quiet descending. A stillness.

We’ve all been thrown into a dark forest with a chance now to navigate our way home, relying only on our inner wisdom.

Both individually and collectively.

I’ve been feeling a real need to retreat into myself. I’ve stopped listening to “expert” advice, started tuning out all the noise and opinions…and am listening to what’s not being said out loud. To what my heart wants me to know. To what’s being felt by others. What’s in need of healing.

I wonder if we’ll really go back to normal now…or whether we can emerge on the other side of this dark forest with a more beautiful path to follow.

It’s up to us.

What if the path we had been following before this was never for us? And now we get to create a new one…each step plotted by our own choices…

If you’d love some soul-level guidance on where life is wanting to lead you right now and in the coming months and years, all my sessions are available online. You can read more here

Niamh x