by awholenewyou | Jan 12, 2016 | Change, Emotions, Food & Nourishment, Healing, Reiki, Self-Care, Weight Loss, Wisdom
Let me ask you something… What kind of a 2016 are you trying to create? And is it making you feel good? The Dream Maybe you’re dreaming of 2016 being the year you finally lose those 10lbs, run 10k or kick a particularly bad habit. By...
by awholenewyou | Mar 12, 2015 | Emotions, Food & Nourishment, Meditation, Reiki, Self-Care, Uncategorized
Over many years of dealing with challenging experiences (read: really unbelievably difficult stuff that breaks you down before it builds you up!) I’ve learnt a thing of two about dealing with ‘dark nights of the soul’. When I’ve felt cast...