Create an Abundant Business

that Feels like Home


There’s nothing quite like the personal attention and tailored support of

one-to-one mentoring

Step into the true power of your wellness/spiritual business


There comes a time when you are ready to offer back to others what you have learned in your life…and creating a beautiful business is necessary.

Or when you are ready to bring your current business into greater alignment with the person you are now becoming and your true values.

Business is the new frontier for Wise Women and holds the potential for great personal healing, transformation in the world around us…BUT ALSO great fear in showing up exactly as we are.

You are here because you feel called to build something very different to what you see around you…or what you’ve been taught a business should be.

I offer both 1:1 and group support to help you steer your business in a way that supports and nourishes you both energetically and financially. While holding you through all your fears and doubts along the way.

Let’s create your thriving, culture-healing business…

1:1 Offerings

You, me and your business - receive all the personal guidance, support and insight you need
A Soul Work Session is a powerful 2-hour session and deep dive into all your big questions about your business challenges and direction. It is a catalyst for aligning you with the highest possibility for your soul work and bringing your voice, ideas and work into the world in a way that lights you up.

This is the place to bring all your challenges, questions, confusion and frustrations about life purpose and path, building a flourishing spiritual/holistic business and your own personal voice, messaging and contribution to the world.

You may want to know about your soul purpose, correct strategy, message, marketing or ideal clients. Or it may be that you need reassurance about a new direction or clarity on what is possible for you at your highest expression.

Receive deep soul-level and Human Design insights and guidance to help you understand your next steps in creating and growing your business.

Or we can take all that you already know about your work and translate it into powerful marketing copy and messaging that will cut through the noise and reach your ideal clients.

You will walk away from this session with a greater knowledge of who you truly are, where you are being guided in your business/work and how you can best support yourself in growing your thriving business.

This is an in-depth exploration and is recorded so you can keep returning to the guidance, revealing new layers.

For most of us, occasional once-off sessions are just not enough to create real change. 

You may also find that the usual marketing and business advice just doesn’t suit your business, which feels outside the mainstream.

You need a very different and personalised experience that helps soothe your nervous system, feel seen and understood and receive clear and helpful guidance each step of your journey.

Over a period of either 3 or 6 months, I will hold fierce, safe, loving space for you to get clear on where you are being guided in your business right now, plant seeds of your big vision and intentions, gently unravel any blocks and old conditioning holding you back and walk step-by-step towards who you are becoming.

Using Human Design, Gene Keys, Channeled Wisdom, Soul Insight and Energy Work.

You have deep wisdom in you. Let’s bring it into the world…

Connect With Me

Not sure yet? There are lots of ways to find out more about how my work can help you, before jumping into one of my offerings. I’d love to connect and support you…

Book in for a Chat with Me

If you’re interested in working with me but would like to connect and ask some questions without obligation, then please feel free to book in for a 30-minute online chat.

Before you book, however, please make sure you have read about Soul Business Mentoring with me (including the cost!) so that you know it’s an option for you, if you decide to go ahead.

Bring a cup of tea/coffee and let’s see if we’d be a good match!

Discover your Feminine Leadership Archetype

The Feminine Leadership Archetypes provide a blueprint for a new way of showing up as leaders in our lives and businesses – planting a seed for a more just, caring and wise world.

Community Workshops

Reimagining Business is a new series of workshops and community calls that bring together big-hearted women business owners so we can learn, share and support each other in building businesses that truly nourish us.

Monthly Channeled Guidance

Soul Compass is a membership community for women seeking wise, grounded guidance and monthly connection.


Soul Compass Monthly Channeled Readings

Join my Mailing List

Regular updates with ideas to help you create a thriving soul-led business, come out of hiding and speak your ideas into the world. Business can be fun and healing for us all!
