Let Your Soul Be Your Compass



Soul Compass Monthly Guidance

Join me for Soul Compass

Monthly Guided Circles for Thoughtful Women

Life is so much easier when we understand where it is leading us…









What is Soul Compass?

      Soul Compass is a membership community for women seeking wise, grounded guidance and connection through the year ahead.

We meet online once each month to receive detailed channeled guidance and soul insights into the month ahead.

These regular readings will help connect to you back to yourself and provide signposts through the year to help you stay on your aligned soul path.

What You Receive


  • Monthly one-hour gatherings online where we will connect, chat, review our month gone by and set intentions. You will receive a channeled energy forecast for the month ahead along with specific guidance to help you understand the themes and navigate all the month brings.

Each energy reading will be tailored specifically to the members of this Soul Compass group. If you are a member, then you can be assured you will be included when I gauge the collective energy and receive guidance for this group.

  • Weekly prompts to help keep you in touch with your monthly guidance. You can use these prompts for your journalling, your work or just to keep in the back of  your mind as you go about your week.


  • A space to connect and share in between monthly circles. (I’ll be using Mighty Networks for this – an ethical alternative to Facebook and very easy to use)


  • All calls will be recorded and stored for you to access at any stage, in case you can’t attend live.

  • No set commitment – cancel any time



A Little Insight…

During 2021 and 2022, I went live on Instagram each month to give a flavour of the collective energies and some tailored guidance on navigating the month ahead. Please feel free to watch a couple of these videos to get an idea of how my energy forecasts will be delivered in Soul Compass.

The Details


Soul Compass circles take place on the first Wednesday of every month

at 7-8pm Irish time (UTC)

All calls will be recorded for you to catch up if you can’t make it live!

Everyone is welcome – come as you are!

Contribute as much or as little as you like – you’re free to chat or just listen and contemplate 🙂

When you join, you get access to previous recordings, including (most importantly!) the Year Ahead 2023 guidance which sets the tone for this whole year and is incredibly insightful and helpful for us all…


Monthly Payment: €22

(No set commitment – attend for as many months as you like – cancel any time)

Join the Monthly Circle & Community

Make your first monthly payment by clicking on the image below and receive immediate access to Soul Compass, including our upcoming circle and online community and the 2023 guidance and forecast for us all.

Soul Compass - Monthly Payment Button

I’m so looking forward to seeing you in circle & guiding you through the months ahead <3


Can I just drop in some months and not others?
The monthly readings are not drop-in. Soul Compass is a membership community so when you sign up, your card will be debited €22 each month for as long as you wish. You can cancel at any time, no questions asked.

All calls are recorded to watch later, in case you can’t make it live.

My hope is that you stick around so you can see and enjoy the benefits of our monthly connection and the steadiness that comes from having this tailored monthly guidance over the year ahead.

I’m really looking forward to creating these readings for you 🙂


Will I be able to ask questions before or during monthly readings?
Yes! I love to hear your questions or ponderings on what we’ll be moving through each month 🙂

You will have an opportunity to ask questions in advance of each monthly reading and also during the monthly circles too.

However, please note that this is a low-cost group offering and all questions will be answered in general terms for the benefit of the whole group. The readings will have universal guidance for everyone who is a member of Soul Compass.

If you have specific questions that are personal to you and your life, these would be more suited to a one-to-one session with me where you can receive the focus and perosnal attention you might need.

What if I can't make every circle?
No problem at all! All calls will be recorded and saved to a special group portal on Podia for you to access any time you like.

What if I want to cancel my membership?
Please feel free to cancel your membership any time you like! You can do it yourself or just send me a quick message and I’ll cancel for you, no questions asked.

Please note, there will be no refunds available once a monthly payment has been made. Please remember to cancel in advance of your next payment due.

Once you have cancelled, you will no longer have access to past monthly recordings – so please watch whatever you need before you leave the group!


The women who took part in similar circles with me in the past had some lovely feedback:

It was a wonderful experience. I looked back over my journal and how this process supported me through so many changes and upheavals over the past 7 months. It was so nice to have a solid, secure place to feel held and supported.

It was an amazing support for me and allowed me to go deeper into my healing and gave me additional frameworks and perspectives to work through further layers of conditioning and programming. So nourishing and gorgeous!

I absolutely loved the group. It was such a gorgeous support and opened me up to so much more on my path of self discovery.

It was a really special experience for me. I feel very privileged to have shared it with this group of women. We need more groups like this – it’s not everywhere we get to speak like this and be really heard. Thank you so much.

It was a new experience for me, in that I had never taken part in such a group, where there was a real focus on building connectedness, but also on becoming who we really are. It supported my life in many ways. The monthly meetups were food for my soul. By the end of each one, I felt lifted, energised and more connected to both myself and others.

I spotted a post on Instagram today and the caption starts with ‘I just needed to sit in a circle with some women’ – never was a truer sentence written! 
These circles are amazing and gave me a chance to think through ideas and topics I don’t normally dedicate sufficient time to.  We covered so many amazing topics.

It was a warm and comforting experience being around women who, despite differing circumstances, were all looking for the same thing. The thing that stood out to me most was everyone’s honesty and the lack of judgement. I felt every woman was accepted as they were, myself included, which felt like a big support to me.

I found the experience to be really positive. I loved the days that we got to meet up. I found the environment really warm and inviting. I always left feeling accepted and lifted.

Picture of Niamh Gallagher

Hi there!

I am an energy healer, intuitive guide and channel that works with thoughtful, empathic and visionary women who want to create big change, healing and beauty in the world, but need help in seeing and believing in who they truly are and finding support along their path.

I’m also a mum to a lovely 11-year-old girl and live with my partner in Dublin, Ireland. For those who like to know these things (like me!) I’m an INFP, Enneagram Type 4, Libra sun, Gemini Moon, Capricorn Rising and a 6/3 Manifesting Generator.

My work helps you find the thread of meaning and truth at the heart of everything you’ve been experiencing in your life…and allows you to weave a new story that’s true to your soul.

My wish for Soul Compass is that it connects you with your deeper wisdom and empowers you to express your truth and create your life according to your own values.

I weave ideas on leadership, sowing seeds of creating a new world, feminine and feminist spirituality into my readings, always with huge love, compassion and belief in your unique potential.

When we heal and free ourselves to be exactly who we are, we contribute to healing our planet.

I’d love to get to know you too… 🙂  

I’m really looking forward to seeing you in circle & guiding you through the year ahead!


If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a line at [email protected]

or connect with me on Instagram 

Niamh x