Congratulations! Your Primary Archetype is...

The Wild Woman


Yours is an energy that cannot easily be contained!

Your connection to truth and integrity is so great that you will take down and clear out anything that is no longer working (and perhaps never was!) so that the new and better can be built in its place.

This plays out in your own life but, more importantly, your role is in seeign and acting on correcting and clearign what is no longer working for the collective.

 For much more detail on how this plays out for you and what you strengths, challenges and bigger role are, just pop your details in the form here and receive a lovely PDF full of insights 🙂

The Feminine Leadership Archetypes provide a gorgeous framework for reclaiming our gifts, our power and our leadership as wise women.

The new leaders of our communities, workplaces and nations will be women like you – who have wisdom, vision, ideas and empathy. We are entering a very different time on earth and it is time now to step into reclaiming your inner leader so you can offer your innate gifts to the world around you. A world that is seeking your guidance, vision, voice and nurturing.

Reclaiming your leadership requires you be curious enough to find out who you truly are. And brave enough to become it.

To do this, we all need support.

I provide individual and group support to dig into your gifts, claim your unique voice and leadership and create your true soul work in the world.

Dig Deeper

A Personalised Session


Soul Work Session with me is a powerful 2-hour session and deep dive into all your big questions about your business/life challenges and direction. It is a catalyst for aligning you with the highest possibility for your soul work and bringing your voice, ideas and work into the world in a way that lights you up.

This is the place to bring all your challenges, questions, confusion and frustrations about life purpose and path, building a flourishing spiritual/holistic business and your own personal voice, messaging and contribution to the world.

You may want to know about your soul purpose, correct strategy, message, marketing or ideal clients. Or it may be that you need reassurance about a new direction or clarity on what is possible for you at your highest expression.


Read all about it

Book your session…

About Me

Hello there!


I’m an intuitive guide, mentor and teacher that works with thoughtful, empathic and visionary women who want to create big change, healing and beauty in the world, but need help in seeing and believing in who they truly are and finding support along their path.

I want this healing work to be the seed of you finding who you truly are…and then offering that to the world in extraordinary, creative and powerful ways.

You will know it is time to work with me if you have been feeling a pull to show up more fully in your work or personal life, to express yourself freely and powerfully and to become the wayshower, creator and leader you sense you are on the inside.

But you are being held back by self-doubt, old conditioning about who you are supposed to be in life, fear and panic about the unknown and perhaps a lack of clear understanding of your path in life.

Now is the time for a very different person to step into leadership in the world. We need wise, sensitive, visionary women like you becoming visible, sharing your soul work and ideas, getting well compensated for your work and mapping new paths for future generations.

But this is not work that should (or can!) be done alone. I am here to guide, support and heal you through your challenges and into more ease, purpose and fulfillment than you currently realise is possible.

Thank you for being here…and I’m looking forward to staying in touch 🙂

Niamh x