Your Soul Story
Image of decorative third eye

Learn Where Life is Taking You

Clarity, Guidance and Deep Insight to Help You Create Magic

While it is good to know collective astrology, numerology or energy forecasts, there is really nothing as helpful as receiving clear soul guidance tailored precisely to you.

A Soul Story Session with me will bring you comfort, clarity and a powerful insight into the energy of this year for you, who you are becoming, where your life and work is leading you and how to step further into your voice, leadership or deep knowing.

It is designed around what it is you would most love to know, experience and create. You are free to bring all your questions and challenges so you receive the guidance you most deeply need.

You will feel truly seen and understood with so much permission to own your inner truth and receive practical guidance to create the work, life and relationships you came here for.

This is a time of great transition for us all…we are all in need of support to help us step out of old conditioning and patterning and instead create life according to our true soul purpose, gifts and role in the collective.

My intention is that this reading will be one you keep coming back to throughout the months and years ahead – for reminders, instruction and comfort.


My session with Niamh provided invaluable guidance.

Her wisdom spoke to my natural knowing and removed so many self-imposed and cultural blocks. Her guidance reaffirmed my path and saved me so much time and effort.

There is a special feeling when someone speaks directly to your heart and soul -- and I had that in every minute of Niamh's reading.

The additional wisdom about Human Design and the oracle card guidance supported me to remember how powerful I am and what I came here to be and do.

I highly recommend a reading with Niamh if you have questions about your direction and purpose!
Kate Tremills


Your Choice of Reading

Your Soul Story Session will be a powerful deep dive into all your biggest questions and especially suitable if you are at a crossroads or threshold moment. Or you just need guidance to help you understand where to focus your energy and how to harness your your potential.

Choose from a one-hour (€160) or two-hour reading (€250), depending on how much depth and insight you are seeking and how many questions you would like answered.

Receive deep soul and Human Design insights and channeled guidance to help you understand how to chart your wise path through 2024.

Clickable button image that says Soul Story Session - one hour
Image with abstract background and the text "Soul Story Session - two hours"
My session with Niamh was truly mind-blowing – probably one of the most accurate and activating I’ve ever been lucky enough to experience and receive.

I honestly cannot express how grate•full I am for her :: honouring & holding space in this way.
Niamh’s realness, care & connection is so evident & appreciated. I feel so supported + empowered today.
Olivia Ryan

Yoga Teacher

What to Expect

My readings are not predictive exactly and don’t go through the year month-by-month.

They are soul energy readings – and so speak to possibility and potential, alignment and truth. You will gain a deep understanding of where you are at this point in your soul journey and how you can maximise the energy and purpose of this year to step further onto your correct path, letting go of anything that is blocking you from your true expression, voice, leadership, power and potential.

When you book your reading, I ask you a couple of questions to prepare. The reading itself is then a conversation, where you get to ask any and all questions we can cover in the time given and I guide you through the answers that come up for you. I keep the experience informal, friendly and compassionate. This is your session and my job is to facilitate you receiving what you need.

Let’s see how this year can be one of change, empowerment and healing for you…

Topics We Could Cover

Theme of the Year

  • The overall theme for you in 2024 and how you can embrace it and work with it in all areas of your life
  • The gifts and challenges of the year ahead for you

Career / Business

  • Where you are being guided to invest your energy this year. Your areas of growth and what needs to be let go of.
  • What changes you need to make in order to honour your soul’s journey and have your work reflect who you are becoming.
  • Where your greatest opportunities lie.
  • A reminder of your larger soul purpose and how to bring your work into alignment with this.
  • What problems you are here to solve and for whom.
  • The next steps for you to take in your work or business.
  • Guidance on transitions or stepping further into your leadership and truth.


Soul Path & Purpose

  • Your soul themes and path in this lifetime. Who you have come here to be and what your areas of growth and expression are during 2024.
  • You soul gifts, name and role in the collective.

Relationships / Health

  • Guidance on navigating your relationship with yourself, your body and others in your life.
  • Understanding the emotional or psychic patterns or beliefs that are causing health issues.

This is your reading – we can take it in whatever direction will benefit you most!

    The space Niamh creates helps you to realize how much potential we possess. It’s about becoming more authentically aligned with your own unique path, a remembering.

    Jemma Kenny

    Creator, Goddess Candles

    Niamh’s sessions really catalysed a turning point for me. A turning point where everything has finally come together and is now guiding me further forward with renewed energy and determination.

    It’s very powerful. I cannot thank her enough for this. It has felt like the missing piece. I felt seen and understood.


    I met Niamh at a time when I felt stuck and directionless, and a reading with her was exactly what I never knew I needed.

    Not only did it offer insights for the upcoming year, but it also illuminated the future. Niamh handed me my very own user manual, with so many “aha” moments as I connected dots throughout my life that suddenly started to make sense!

    I’m heading into this new year with gusto, and I owe this new found clarity and purpose solely to my reading with Niamh. I am so grateful for her impact. 



    What's the difference between the one-hour and 2-hour readings?
    The two-hour reading provides enough time for a very deep and insightful dive into your biggest questions. Choose this reading if you would like to incorporate a Human Design chart reading as well as channeled guidance to answer your big questions about soul purpose, career and life direction, your unique gifts and life path.

    You can also use the two-hour session to get into more detail on the direction of your business, if this applies to you. We can look at business strategy, hone your message and allow you to see what is needed to attract your dream clients, feel at home in your work and receive the income you would love.


    The one-hour reading is ideal for a follow-up session if you are a previous client OR it could be a wonderful introduction to working with me. A LOT can be covered in one hour and we will pinpoint answers to your questions, give you an clear idea of your big themes for 2024 and what is called for to help you navigate challenges and take the next steps towards the life and work you are creating.

    During the one-hour session, we will use your Human Design chart as a background guide, using it to help answer your questions, without diving into a detailed chart reading.

    Do your readings predict what will happen?

    Not exactly. I don’t predict specific future outcomes, as I don’t really believe anything is set in stone and our lives pan out according to the choices we make and actions we take.

    What I do is point you in the direction of your highest potential, showing you what is alive and emerging in your energy field and what may be blocking you. I show you what is possible and what your soul and guides want you to know.

    After that, it’s up to you what you do with this information!

    My work is all about you learning to trust and believe in yourself, feeling empowered to choose your highest callings and your most rewarding path. You are more powerful and creative than you realise!

    I don't have a business - are these readings for me?

    Yes! I am opening up these readings to anyone who would like guidance and insight into the year ahead. I am happy to guide you on whatever you are seeking support with.

    My favourite questions are usually around purpose, voice, leadership and creating…but I am happy to dip into other topics that are helpful to you too 🙂

    My experience working with Niamh was phenomenal.

    With her insight and support I was able to truly see what my soul gifts are and how to share them with others.

    I feel so much more grounded in my business and that my unique vision is a much needed message for these times. It feels incredibly expansive to have the guidance that Niamh offers. I truly appreciate her no nonsense approach while at the same time being empathetic and compassionate when challenges may arise.

    Melissa Birss

    Women's Sexuality Coach,

    Who am I?

    Picture of Niamh Gallagher

    Hi, I’m Niamh,

    I’m an energy healer, intuitive guide and channel that works with thoughtful, empathic and visionary women who want to create big change, healing and beauty in the world.

    But they need help in seeing and believing in who they truly are, what is possible for them and finding support along their path.

    I help you get clear on your soul vision, express your unique voice and leadership and trust in what is possible for your life and work.

    Rather than trying to fit into the world as we know it, we can instead use our work and expression as creative tools to transform and heal our culture, offering new examples of how we can all live, work and flourish.


    I’m really looking forward to painting a picture of your soul path so you can make clear choices to support yourself and your work.

    My intention is that this will be deeply insightful, guiding and empowering for you

    Niamh x