Enjoy these yoga nidras and guided meditations to guide you on your journey 🙂
Niamh x
Yoga Nidras
Yoga Nidra is known as the yoga of sleep and is a very feminine, dream-like and restful way of meditating. It is done while lying down and wrapped up warm. It’s best you set up a little ‘nest’ for yourself somewhere other than your bed (to stop you falling asleep straight away!). Feel free to make it was warm and cosy as possible, with cushions, blankets and an eye pillow. Then just play the recording of your choice and simply follow the guidance.
Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra
Welcome yoga Nidra
Opening to the World - Yoga Nidra
Heart's Garden Yoga Nidra
Spring Yoga Nidra
Setting Sun Yoga Nidra
Guided Meditations
Please listen to these either seated or lying down.